We have been heads and down bums up onboarding new customers and delivering new features. Over the Christmas and New Year break we spent valuable time sitting down with key customers and talking to them about how they might get even more value from ZiiPOS. The insights gleaned from these conversations then go on to inform R&D, design and prioritisation. These conversations are priceless.
Whilst there is a very long list of things to do, we’ve distilled the three most common things that customers say they like most about their experience with ZiiPOS.
1. Order-sync for in-store, QR and online orders. With ALL of your orders coming into ZiiPOS it means that sales reconciliation is easy and your till is always balanced. Take an order at the till, at the table and even via QR code. Multiple channels of ordering means that if staff shortages persist, you don’t need to shut up shop. The flexibility of ordering options means that you can accommodate a more diverse demographic of customers.
2. Unlimited menus. With ZiiPOS you can have an unlimited number of menus. For example breakfast, lunch, dinner, weekend etc. Which means that you can automatically switch between different menu items and pricing. Simple.
3. Automated surcharges. ZiiPOS allows you to automatically add surcharges so that you don’t miss out on revenue on public holidays and Sundays.
There are many such features we have built into ZiiPOS over the years, that combined make your operations and workflow more optimised. Stay tuned for more updates and get in touch to find out more.